If you have been arrested for DWI, you should take immediate action to put our Firm on your side of the courtroom.  Time is of the essence, and it is crucial to immediately put the State to the test. I will work quickly to develop a strategy with you to keep your driving privileges, and fight back against the State.

As a former municipal prosecutor in over 15 towns in Ocean and Monmouth Counties, I prosecuted thousands of driving under the influence offenses, providing me with invaluable information and insight into the States’ process. I continually apply the lessons learned as a prosecutor to challenge the State and increase their burden and your chances.

The State of New Jersey has become increasingly aggressive in prosecuting allegations of DWI.  Special prosecutors, dedicated Court sessions and increased DWI patrol are all regularly utilized by the State to arrest and prosecute drunken drivers.  With all the resources and man power committed by the State, it is essential to have someone fighting for you. Just because you have been accused of DWI does not have to mean you will be found guilty.  Fight for yourself, and let us help you like we have helped many others before.

For a free consultation to discuss you case, or to learn more about the DWI laws in New Jersey, call us today at (609) 294-8300 for a free consultation.