Jackson Criminal Defense Legal Professionals

Being arrested for or charged with a crime can be frightening. Your actions after the fact may have an impact on the final result of your case, so it is important to know what to do if you are arrested or charged with a crime. 

  • To begin with, you should understand your rights. If a police officer requests permission to search your body, your car, or your residence, you are not required to consent. A police officer may have a legal right to conduct a search without your consent, for example, when he has a search warrant or some other legal grounds, but if an officer requests permission to search your car or property, you may decline. 
  • Do not argue or resist. However, if a police officer if he insists on conducting a search. Just remember to tell your lawyer about the circumstances surrounding the search. 
  • If you are detained or have been charged with a crime, you may not be obligated to give any statements or answer any questions. Talk to a lawyer before talking to the police. The police are obligated to read you your rights if you are under arrest. If this is not done, make sure to let you attorney know. 
  • Resist the temptation to share your experience on social media sites. Whatever you post can be used in court. A statement that may seem innocent to you may end up being be harmful. 
  • Do not wait to consult an attorney. Waiting too long could make things more difficult in the long run. 
  • Do not leave anything out when you talk to your attorney. He cannot properly represent you if you don’t give him the details he needs, and anything you tell your lawyer will be kept in the strictest confidence. 


Criminal Law Firm in Jackson

A lot of a criminal defense lawyer’s work is done well before a case gets to trial. Criminal cases are frequently dismissed as a result of improper procedures on the part of law enforcement officers or incorrect handling of crucial evidence. Proper preparation before your case goes to trial may result in dismissal or reduction of the charges against you.  

It is possible, and even likely, that your case will not go to trial. Often, a criminal defendant can plead guilty to a much less serious charge as part of a plea arrangement. There may be many reasons to accept a plea bargain, and it is up to each person and his lawyer to decide whether such an action is appropriate. 

In some cases, criminal convictions can be expunged. Once a criminal conviction is expunged, it will appear up on a criminal background check. Look for an attorney that has specific experience handling expungement requests. 


Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me

Selecting the right attorney is the most important decision you will make. A criminal conviction can have serious consequences. Make sure your lawyer is a criminal defense expert. Call the office of Pepe & Wintrode at (609) 294-8300 for a free consultation, and rest assured that you are in good hands.